IBM Systems Director is a commercial product based on these principles and provides a number of availability monitoring, notification, and centralized management capabilities. IBMSystemsDirector是基于这些准则的一个商业产品,提供大量可用性监控、通知和集中管理功能。
Many research studies indicate that by enhancing market transparency, commercial credit reference agencies outside Hong Kong have helped to reduce banks bad debts and increase credit availability. 很多海外研究都显示,由于商业信贷资料库可提高市场透明度,因此有助减少银行坏帐及方便贷款申请者获得融资。
The initial use of commercial web sites was effectively as an electronic'shop window ', where visitors could see product and service availability, but could not purchase them directly. 最初的商务网站跟一个电子买卖窗口的作用很像,在那里浏览者可以有效的看见商品和服务,但是他们不可以直接购买他们。
Rice bran was selected as material and treated with commercial phytase for study on availability of Ca, Fe and Zn with in vitro model. 以米糠为原料,通过植酸酶处理以降解其中的植酸,并采用体外消化方法分析处理后的米糠的钙、铁、锌的吸收率。
It is their reduction to commercial practice, either through necessity or dedication, or through the availability of new technology, that makes news and money. 只有把握时代的需求,锐意进取,跟上新技术的步伐,专利才能变成商业实践,做到名利双收。
With the explosive growth of commercial service via Internet, High Availability of server system is strongly required for the benefits of servers. In addition, the current server systems have to be scaled to meet the development of service content and the diversity of service. 随着通过Internet提供商业服务的发展,服务系统的可用性程度对服务提供者的商业利益具有重大的影响。
: Based on the commercial availability concept and statistical methods, the reliability and economics of power generation equipment as well as the relationship between the reliability and optimum profitability of power generation equipment were analyzed and investigated; 运用商业可用率的概念和统计学方法,对在电力市场条件下,发电设备的可靠性和经济性进行初步分析和探讨;
The key advantages of the Suzuki coupling are the mild reaction conditions and the commercial availability of the diverse boronic acids that are environmentally safer than other organometallic reagents. 它的最大优点在于温和的反应条件和使用对环境友好的、易得的苯基硼酸,而不是有机金属试剂。
Based on analysis of current reliability indices, a new assessment index system known as commercial availability index system is proposed. The method of "scatter degree" was used for comprehensive assessment of the new system through example cases. 在对现有可靠性指标分析的基础上,提出一套新的评价指标体系&商业可用性指标体系,并用一个算例对新的评价指标体系应用拉开档次法作了综合评价。
First, the EVA calculation model of commercial banks in consideration of the data availability and other factors, simplify out a lot of adjusting events may lead to the deviation of the EVA calculation. 首先,商业银行EVA计算模型在考量了数据的可获得性等方面因素后,简化后去掉了大量的调整事项,可能导致EVA计算结果出现偏差。
By the theoretical analysis and commercial test, hydraulic extrusion measure is demonstrated to have extensive adaptability, availability and security to rapid excavation in seam gateway with outburst potential. 通过本文的理论分析和现场工业试验证明了水力挤出措施对突出煤层煤巷快速掘进具有广泛的适应性、有效性和安全性。
Literatures accounts for that intensive tendency of commercial banks resulting from merger and acquisition in large scales have different impacts on availability of SMEs 'bank financing. 国内外文献表明,银行业结构因大规模并购而导致的集约化趋势,对中小企业信贷可得性产生的影响并不存在单一结论。
A variety of IT applications for business development for the daily operation of modern commercial banks play an important role, the availability and quality of IT systems run by the attention. 各种IT应用系统的业务发展对于现代商业银行的日常运作有着至关重要的作用,IT系统的可用性和IT系统运行的质量日趋受到重视。
In China, commercial banks are the main availability of consumer credit, which made the individual consumer credit has been developing rapidly these years. But individual consumer credit business in China needs further improve at many aspects. 在我国,商业银行是消费信贷的主要提供者,因此近年来商业银行的个人消费信贷业务得到了快速的发展,但我国商业银行的个人消费信贷业务在很多方面还需要进一步完善。
Then, it screens the evaluating index systems by clustering analysis and establishes an index sytem of measuring the sustainable development of commercial banks, which can be directly used for measurement, by integrating the availability of data and the representativeness of indexes. 然后,通过聚类分析法对商业银行可持续发展评价指标体系进行筛选,并结合数据的可获得性及指标的代表性,建立可直接用于计量的商业银行可持续发展测度指标体系。